Head Start and Early Head Start

Head Start &

Early Head Start

Our Programs aim to:

  • Provide a safe and developmentally enriching environment
  • Promote the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of young children and prepare them for future growth and development.
  • Support parents in their role as primary educators of their children and families in meeting personal, training and employment goals, and attaining self-sufficiency.
  • Ensure the provision of high quality services to children and families through the development of highly trained, caring program staff.

For six decades, Head Start has empowered over 40 million children and families to thrive—building brighter futures with better health, school readiness, and opportunities for lifelong success.

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Assisting children with today's successes while preparing them for tomorrow's achievements.

Head Start

Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.

Early Head Start

Early Head Start's services target infants, toddlers, and pregnant women, to enhance the development of very young children, and to promote healthy family functioning. Early Head Start can help your child by providing intensive services beginning before birth and continuing during the critical first three years of life. Services are provided to pregnant women to assist in optimal prenatal development. The services are provided for 11 months during the year.

Serving families with dignity.

Our Services Provided


The education component provides children of all ethnic backgrounds and developmental levels with varied experiences that will help them develop socially, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.


A comprehensive health program that includes physical, dental, medical, and nutritional services is provided to all enrolled children.

Special Needs

Educational opportunities are made available to all children diagnosed with disabilities regardless of their family's income. An individualized special education program is provided for children with special needs.

Parent Engagement

Planned programs and activities support the parent's role as the principal influence in their child's education and development. Parents are given opportunities to serve on program policy-making and planning committees.


Nutritious meals are provided through family style meal service at each Head Start center.

Social Services

Families develop Family Partnership Agreements with their local Head Start program. These agreements are designed to help families set goals, which will improve the conditions and quality of family life.

Application Requirements:

  • Legal Birth Certificate
  • Current Certificate of Immunization
  • Proof of income for parent/legal guardian (most recent W-2 or pay stub)
  • Up to date Physical
  • Last TWO check stubs and Education/Employment Training Verification (Extended Year only)

Who is Eligible?

Head Start accepts children who will turn three years old before September 1, and Early Head Start accepts children from birth to three years old from families whose income falls within the federal income guidelines.

Please contact your local Head Start Center for more details concerning Head Start and Early Head Start Income Guidelines. If you are unable to contact anyone at your local Head Start and Early Head Start Center, please call 803-366-5398.

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Additional Information


At least ninety percent of those children enrolled meet the income guidelines; up to ten percent of children enrolled may be children from families that exceed the poverty income guidelines but meets the criteria established for selecting children who would benefit from Head Start and Early Head Start.

Ten percent of Head Start and Early Head Start total funded enrollment must be children with disabilities.

Head Start and Early Head Start may enroll an additional thirty-five percent of the total funded enrollment number whose families are neither income nor categorically eligible and whose family incomes are below 130%.


"In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity." To file a complaint of discrimination, write: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410. Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.

"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who does Early Head Start serve, and what are its goals?

    Early Head Start's services target infants, toddlers, and pregnant women, to enhance the development of very young children, and to promote healthy family functioning. Early Head Start can help your child by providing intensive services beginning before birth and continuing during the critical first three years of life. Services are provided to pregnant women to assist in optimal prenatal development. The services are provided for 11 months during the year.

  • What documents are needed to apply for Head Start and Early Head Start?

    To apply, you will need a legal birth certificate, current certificate of immunization, proof of income for the parent/legal guardian (most recent W-2 or pay stub), up-to-date physical, and, for Extended Year only, the last two check stubs and education/employment training verification.

  • Who is eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start?

    Head Start accepts children turning three before September 1, and Early Head Start accepts children from birth to three whose families meet federal income guidelines. At least 90% of enrolled children must meet these income guidelines, while up to 10% may be from families exceeding poverty income but meeting criteria for selection.

  • How can I find out about Head Start and Early Head Start Income Guidelines?

    Contact your local Head Start Center for details on income guidelines. If unable to reach them, call 803-366-5398 for assistance.

  • Can families with incomes below 130% enroll in Head Start and Early Head Start?

    Yes, up to an additional 35% of the total funded enrollment can include families neither income nor categorically eligible, with family incomes below 130%.

  • ¿A quiénes sirve Early Head Start y cuáles son sus objetivos?

    Los servicios de Early Head Start se dirigen a infantes, niños pequeños y mujeres embarazadas, para mejorar el desarrollo de los niños muy pequeños y promover el funcionamiento saludable de la familia. Early Head Start puede ayudar a su hijo/a proporcionando servicios intensivos que comienzan antes del nacimiento y continúan durante los tres primeros años críticos de vida. Se ofrecen servicios a mujeres embarazadas para ayudar en el desarrollo prenatal óptimo. Los servicios se brindan durante 11 meses durante el año.

  • ¿Qué documentos se necesitan para solicitar Head Start y Early Head Start?

    Para solicitar, necesitarás un certificado de nacimiento legal, un certificado de vacunación actualizado, comprobante de ingresos para el padre/tutor legal (el formulario W-2 más reciente o talón de pago), un examen físico actualizado y, solo para el Año Extendido, los últimos dos talones de cheque y verificación de educación/entrenamiento laboral.

  • ¿Quiénes son elegibles para Head Start y Early Head Start?

    Head Start acepta niños que cumplen tres años antes del 1 de septiembre, y Early Head Start acepta niños desde el nacimiento hasta los tres años cuyas familias cumplen con las pautas de ingresos federales. Al menos el 90% de los niños inscritos deben cumplir con estas pautas de ingresos, mientras que hasta el 10% pueden ser de familias que superan el umbral de pobreza pero cumplen con los criterios de selección.

  • ¿Cómo puedo averiguar sobre las pautas de ingresos de Head Start y Early Head Start?

    Póngase en contacto con su Centro local de Head Start para obtener detalles sobre las pautas de ingresos. Si no puede comunicarse con ellos, llame al 803-366-5398 para obtener ayuda.

  • ¿Pueden familias con ingresos por debajo del 130% inscribirse en Head Start y Early Head Start?

    Sí, hasta un 35% adicional del total de la inscripción financiada puede incluir a familias que no son ni elegibles por ingresos ni categorizados, con ingresos familiares por debajo del 130%.

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